Monday, July 7, 2008

Summary of Gita Class - 04/07/2008

Harekrishna Everyone!!!!

Here is the summary of Gita Class at Parag's House on 4th July 2008:

  1. Discussion about How Five elements (Earth, water, fire, air & Ether) of material nature were deduced
  2. How these 5 elements led to invention/development of Yoga process
  3. Two different Yoga approaches
    1. Sankhya Yoga - Ascending process
    2. Bhakti Yoga - Descending Process
  1. What Krishna says about those 5 elements and the yoga process (B.G Chapter 7 Verse 4 & Verse 5)
  2. The Goal of all yoga process (Chapter 14 verse 27)
  3. The order in which our senses are developed based on each of those 5 elements as and when they are added to constitue our body.
Ear -> Ether
Skin -> Air
Eye -> Fire
Taste -> Water
Rest of all senses -> Earth

For Research : Srimad Bhagwatam 3rd canto - describes how a child body is developed step by step. Full detail of how all elements combine at different stages in the development of the body before birth.

1 comment:

Subhash Patankar said...

Girish Prabhu,

Very good summary, I appreciate your work.
