Monday, August 11, 2008

Summary of Gita Class - 09/08/2008

Harekrishna Everyone!!!!

Here is the summary of Gita Class at Girish's House on 9th August 2008:

We had Radhika Mataji from Delhi as the guest speaker in the satsang. For those who dont know, Radhika mataji is a Iskcon Devotee who is preaching Since 1998. She is from Sikh background and has written a book called "Vaishnavism in Sikhism".

The recap:
The Bhagwad gita Chapter 2 Verse 70 was chosen to be discussed.

Please read the purport and translation in Bhagwad Gita. The verse is all about desires. It gives an analogy for us to compare our desires with River and Ocean. A desire is like a river which keeps flowing. Ocean on the otherhand is still. We should try to be still like ocean and control our desires by regulation.

For our desires we have two choices...
1. Fulfill the desire
2. UnFullfill the desire

Catch 22 Situation:
Fulfilling the desire will give birth to GREED and unfulfilling the desire gives birth to ANGER. No matter what choice we make Maya is acting accordingly to trap us. This now raises a question then that how do we tackle our desires to escape the trap of Maya.

The Solution:
Maya and Krishna are two sides of a coin. Unless the desires are directed towards Krishna we are always entrapped by Maya. When the desires are directed towards Krishna, Maya then hides behind krishna and thus cannot influence you. Hence, desiring for the satisfaction of Krishna's senses will keep us free from the clutches of Maya.

Interesting Point made by Mataji:
Man always GETS and then FORGETS.
God always GIVES and then FORGIVES.

Because of Festivals coming up in the next 2 weeks, So there wont be any Gita class until Janmastami.

Next Class: TBA

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